Publications - Marek Zreda


NEW: JHM 2013: (wordle abstract, 168 kB)
Rosolem, R., W.J. Shuttleworth, M. Zreda, T.E. Franz, X. Zeng and S.A. Kurc, 2013. The effect of atmospheric water vapor on neutron count in the Cosmic-Ray Soil Moisture Observing System. Journal of Hydrometeorology 14, 1659–1671, doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-12-0120.1.

NEW: GRL 2013: (wordle paper, 195 kB)
Franz, T.E., M. Zreda, R. Rosolem, B.K. Hornbuckle, S.L. Irvin, H. Adams, T.E. Kolb, C. Zweck, and W.J. Shuttleworth, 2013. Ecosystem scale measurements of biomass water using cosmic-ray neutrons. Geophysical Research Letters, Accepted article, doi: 10.1002/grl.50791.

NEW: WRR 2013:
Desilets, D., and M. Zreda, 2013. Footprint diameter for a cosmic-ray soil moisture probe: Theory and Monte Carlo simulations. Water Resources Research, Accepted article, doi: 10.1029/wrcr.20187, 2013.

NEW: HESSD 2013:
Chrisman, B. and M. Zreda. Quantifying mesoscale soil moisture with the cosmic-ray rover, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 10, 7127-7160, doi: 10.5194/hessd-10-7127-2013.

NEW: HESSD 2013:
Shuttleworth, J., R. Rosolem, M. Zreda, and T. Franz, 2013. The COsmic-ray Soil Moisture Interaction Code (COSMIC) for use in data assimilation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 10, 1097-1125.

HESS 2013:
Franz, T.E, M. Zreda, R. Rosolem and T.P.A. Ferre, 2013. A universal calibration function for determination of soil moisture with cosmic-ray neutrons, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17, 453-460, doi: 10.5194/hess-17-453-2013.

HESS 2012: (wordle paper, 195 kB)
Zreda, M., W.J. Shuttleworth, X. Zeng, C. Zweck, D. Desilets, T. Franz and R. Rosolem, 2012. COSMOS: The COsmic-ray Soil Moisture Observing System. Hydrology and Earth System Science 16, 4079-4099, doi:10.5194/hess-16-1-2012.

WRR 2012:
Franz, T.E, M. Zreda, T.P.A. Ferre, R. Rosolem, C. Zweck, S. Stillman, X. Zeng and W.J. Shuttleworth. 2012, Measurement depth of the cosmic-ray soil moisture probe affected by hydrogen from various sources, Water Resources Research 48, W08515, doi:10.1029/2012WR011871.

Vadoze Zone J 2012:
Franz, T.E, M. Zreda, R. Rosolem, T.P.A. Ferre, 2012. Field validation of cosmic-ray soil moisture probe using a distributed sensor network, Vadose Zone Journal (in press), doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0046.

CRC 2012:
Walker, J.P., G. Dumedah, A. Monerris, Y. Gao, C. Rudiger, X. Wu, R. Panciera, O. Merlin, R. Pipunic, D. Ryu, M. Zreda, 2012. High resolution soil moisture mapping. In: B. Minasny, B.P. Malone, A.B. McBratney (Editor), Digital Soil Assessments and Beyond. CRC Press, pp. 45-51.

IGARSS 2012:
Hornbuckle, B., S. Irvin, T. Franz, R. Rosolem, and C. Zweck, 2012. The potential of the COSMOS network to be a source of new soil moisture information for SMOS and SMAP, Proc. IEEE Intl. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., 1243-1246, Munich, Germany.

GEWEX 2011: (wordle paper, 170 kB)
Zreda, M., X. Zeng, J. Shuttleworth, C. Zweck, T. Ferre, T. Franz, R. Rosolem, D. Desilets, S. Desilets and G. Womack, 2011, Cosmic-Ray Neutrons, An Innovative Method for Measuring Area-Average Soil Moisture. GEWEX News, 21(3), 6-10.

WRR 2010: (wordle abstract, 209 kB)
Desilets, D., M. Zreda and T. Ferre, 2010, Nature's neutron probe: Land-surface hydrology at an elusive scale with cosmic rays. Water Resources Research 46, W011505, doi:10.1029/2009WR008726.

BHS 2010: (wordle abstract, 126 kB)
Shuttleworth, W.J., Zreda, M., Zeng, X., Zweck, C., and Ferre, P.A. (2010) The COsmic-ray Soil Moisture Observing System (COSMOS): a non-invasive, intermediate scale soil moisture measurement network. Proceedings of the British Hydrological Society's Third International Symposium: 'Role of hydrology in managing consequences of a changing global environment', Newcastle University, 19-23 July 2010. ISBN: 1 903741 17 3.

Bell, J.W., J.N. Brune, T. Liu, M. Zreda and J.C. Yount, 1998, Dating precariously balanced rocks in seismically active parts of California and Nevada, Geology 26, 495-498.

Davis, S.N., D. Cecil, M. Zreda and P. Sharma, 1998, Chlorine-36 and the initial value problem, Hydrogeology Journal 6, 104-114.

Davis, S.N., D. Cecil, M. Zreda and S. Moysey, 2001, Chlorine-36, bromide, and the origin of spring water, Chemical Geology 179, 3-16. (abstract, 13 kB).

Davis, S.N., S. Moysey, L.D. Cecil, and M. Zreda, 2003, Chlorine-36 in groundwater of the United States: empirical data, Hydrogeology Journal 11, 217-227. (327 kB).

Dep, L., D. Elmore, M. Lipschutz, S. Vogt, F.M. Phillips, and M.G. Zreda, 1994, Depth dependence of cosmogenic neutron-capture-produced 36Cl in a terrestrial rock, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B92, 301-307.

Desilets, D., Zreda, M., and Lifton, N.A., 2001, Comment on "Scaling factors for production rates of in situ produced cosmogenic nuclides: a critical reevaluation", Earth and Planetary Science Letters 188, 283-287. (197 kB).
Original paper: scaling (420 kB) ----> Erratum (120 kB)
Original paper: 3He (378 kB)
Reply (199 kB)

Desilets, D., and Zreda, M., 2001, On scaling cosmogenic nuclide production rates for altitude and latitude using cosmic-ray measurements, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 193 (1-2), 213-225. (395 kB)

Desilets, D., and Zreda, M., 2003, Spatial and temporal distribution of secondary cosmic-ray nucleon intensities and applications to in-situ cosmogenic dating, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 206 (1-2), 21-42. (490 kB)

Desilets, D., Zreda, M., Almasi, P.F. and Elmore, D., 2006, Determination of cosmogenic 36Cl in rocks by isotope dilution: innovations, validation and error propagation, Chemical Geology 233, 185-195. (314 kB)

Desilets, D., Zreda, M., and T. Prabu, 2006, Extended scaling factors for in situ cosmogenic nuclides: New measurements at low latitude, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 246, 265-276. (501 kB)

Desilets, D., and Zreda, M., 2006, Elevation dependence of cosmogenic 36Cl production in Hawaiian lava flows, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 246, 277-287. (880 kB)

Dorn, R.I., Phillips, F.M., Zreda, M.G., Wolfe, E.W., Jull, A.J.T., Donahue, D.J., Kubik, P., and Sharma, P., 1991, Glacial chronology of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, as constrained by surface-exposure dating, National Geographic Research and Exploration 7, 456-471.

Dzierzek, J., Nitychoruk, J., Zreda, M., and Zreda-Gostynska, G., 1996, Cosmogenic isotope 36Cl - a new perspective for Quaternary chronostratigraphy of Poland, Geology Quarterly 40, 481-486.

Dzierzek, J., Nitychoruk, J., Zreda-Gostynska, G. and Zreda, M., 1999. Metoda datowania kosmogenicznym izotopem 36Cl - nowe dane do chronologii glacjalnej Tatr Wysokich [The method of dating by cosmogenic 36Cl - new data in glacial chronology of the High Tatra Mts.] (in Polish), Przeglad Geologiczny [Geological Review] 47, 987-992.

England, J., Atkinson, N., Dyke, A., Evans, D. and Zreda, M., 2004, Late wisconsinan buildup and wastage of the innuitian Ice Sheet across southern Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 41, 39-61.

Giaccio, B., F. Galadini, A. Sposato, P. Messina, M. Moro, M. Zreda, A. Cittadini, S. Salvi, A. Todero, 2003, Image processing and roughness analysis of exposed bedrock fault planes as a tool for paleoseismological analysis: results from the Campo Felice fault (central Apennines, Italy), Geomorphology 49 (3/4), 281-301.

Moysey, S., S.N. Davis, M. Zreda and L.D. Cecil, 2003, The distribution of meteoric 36Cl/Cl in the United States: a comparison of models, Hydrogeology Journal 11, 615-627. (526 kB).

O'Cofaigh, C., J. England and M. Zreda, 2000, Late Wisconsinan glaciation of southern Eureka Sound: evidence for extensive Innuitian ice in the Canadian Arctic during the Last Glacial Maximum, Quaternary Science Reviews 19, 1319-1341.

Phillips, F.M., Zreda, M.G., Flinsch, M.R., Elmore, D., and Sharma, P., 1996, A reevaluation of cosmogenic 36Cl production rates in terrestrial rocks, Geophysical Research Letters 23, 949-952.

Phillips, F.M., Zreda, M.G., Gosse, J.C., Klein, J., Evenson, E.B., Hall, R.D., Chadwick, O.A., and Sharma, P., 1997, Cosmogenic 36Cl and 10Be ages of Quaternary glacial and fluvial deposits of the Wind River Range, Wyoming, Geological Society of America Bulletin 109, 1453-1463.

Phillips, F.M., Zreda, M.G., Ku, T.-L., Luo, S., Huang, Q., Elmore, D., and Kubik, P.W., 1993, 230Th/234U and 36Cl dating of evaporite deposits from the Western Quaidam Basin, China: Implications for glacial period dust export from central Asia, Geological Society of America Bulletin 105, 1606-1616.

Phillips, F.M., Zreda, M.G., Plummer, M.A., Benson, L.V., Elmore, D., and Sharma, P., 1996, Chronology for fluctuations in Late Pleistocene Sierra Nevada glaciers and lakes, Science 274, 749-751.

Phillips, F.M., Zreda, M.G., Smith, S.S., Elmore, D., Kubik, P.W., R.I., D., and Roddy, D.J., 1991, Age and geomorphic history of Meteor Crater, Arizona, from cosmogenic 36Cl and 14C in rock varnish, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 55, 2695-2698.

Phillips, F.M., Zreda, M.G., Smith, S.S., Elmore, D., Kubik, P.W., and Sharma, P., 1990, A cosmogenic chlorine-36 chronology for glacial deposits at Bloody Canyon, Eastern Sierra Nevada, California, Science 248, 1529-1532.

Pigati, J.S., M. Zreda, C. Zweck, P.F. Almasi, D. Elmore and W. Sharp, 2008: Ages and inferred causes of Late Pleistocene glaciations on Mauna Kea, Hawai'i, Journal of Quaternary Science 23, 683-702, doi:10.1002/jqs.1195. (847 kB)

Sarikaya, M.A., Çiner, A. and Zreda, M., 2003, Erciyes Volkani Geç Kuvaterner buzul çökelleri [Late Quaternary glacial deposits of the Erciyes Volcano] (in Turkish, with English abstract), Yerbilimleri 27, 59-74.

Sarikaya, M.A., M. Zreda, A. Ciner and C. Zweck, 2008: Cold and wet Last Glacial Maximum on Mount Sandiras, SW Turkey, inferred from cosmogenic dating and glacier modeling, Quaternary Science Reviews 27, 769-780, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2008.01.002. (837 kB)

Shanahan, T.M. and Zreda, M., 2000, Chronology of Quaternary glaciations on Mount Kenya and Kilimanjaro, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 177, 23-42. (528 kB)

Yu, C., A.W. Warrick, M.H. Conklin, M.H. Young and M. Zreda, 1997, Two- and three-parameter calibrations of time domain reflectometry for soil moisture measurement, Water Resources Research 33, 2417-2421.

Zreda, M.G., Phillips, F.M., Elmore, D., Kubik, P.W., P., S., and Dorn, R.I., 1991, Cosmogenic chlorine-36 production rates in terrestrial rocks, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 105, 94-109. (1255 kB)

Zreda, M.G., Phillips, F.M., Kubik, P.W., P., S., and Elmore, D., 1993, Eruption age at Lathrop Wells, Nevada from cosmogenic chlorine-36 accumulation, Geology 21, 57-60. (628 kB)

Zreda, M.G., Phillips, F.M., and Elmore, D., 1994, Cosmogenic 36Cl accumulation in unstable landforms, 2, Simulations and measurements on eroding moraines, Water Resources Research 30, 3127-3136. (904 kB)

Zreda, M.G., and Phillips, F.M., 1994, Surface exposure dating by cosmogenic chlorine-36 accumulation, in Beck, C., ed., Dating in Exposed and Surface Contexts, University of New Mexico Press, 161-183. (1483 kB)

Zreda, M.G., and Phillips, F.M., 1995, Insights into alpine moraine development from cosmogenic 36Cl buildup dating, Geomorphology 14, 149-156.

Zreda, M.G. and F.M. Phillips, 1998, Quaternary dating by cosmogenic nuclide buildup in surficial materials, in: Dating and Earthquakes: Review of Quaternary Geochronology and Its Application to Paleoseismology, J.M. Sowers, J.S. Noller and W.R. Lettis (eds.), 2-101 - 2-127, Nuclear Regulatory Commission Report NUREG/CR-5562.

Zreda, M.G. and J.S. Noller, 1998, Cosmogenic 36Cl dating of the Hebgen Lake, Montana, fault scarp, in: Dating and Earthquakes: Review of Quaternary Geochronology and Its Application to Paleoseismology, J.M. Sowers, J.S. Noller and W.R. Lettis (eds.), 4-39 - 4-48, Nuclear Regulatory Commission Report NUREG/CR-5562.

Zreda, M. and J. Noller, 1998, Ages of prehistoric earthquakes revealed by cosmogenic chlorine-36 in a bedrock fault scarp at Hebgen Lake, Science 282, 1097-1099. (202 kB)

Zreda, M., J. England, F. Phillips, D. Elmore and P. Sharma, 1999, Unblocking of the Nares Strait by Greenland and Ellesmere ice-sheet retreat 10,000 years ago, Nature 398, 139-142. (273 kB)

Zreda, M.G., and Phillips, F.M., 2000, Cosmogenic nuclide buildup in surficial materials, in J.S. Noller, J.M. Sowers and W.R. Lettis, eds., Quaternary Geochronology: Methods and Applications, AGU Reference Shelf 4, American Geophysical Union, 61-76. (2120 kB)

M. Zreda, D. Desilets, T.P.A. Ferre and R.L. Scott, 2008: Measuring soil moisture content non-invasively at intermediate spatial scale using cosmic-ray neutrons, Geophysical Research Letters 35, L21402, doi:10.1029/2008GL035655. (224 kB)

Zweck, C., M. Zreda, and D. Desilets, 2013. Snow shielding factors for cosmogenic nuclide dating inferred from Monte Carlo neutron transport simulations. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 379, 64-71, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.07.023. (pdf) (wordle abstract, 145 kB)

Conference proceedings

Shettel, D.L., M.E. Morgenstein, D.L. Krinsley and M. Zreda, 1998, Geochemistry and petrography of samples from borehole UE25-ONC#1 at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on High-Level Radioactive Waste Management, 244-247.

Bayari, S., Nazik, L., Törk, K., Çiner, A., Özyurt, N., Klimchouk, A., Zreda, M. and Sarikaya, M.A., 2003, Aladaglar’da (Toroslar) Buz Takkesinin Yayilimi, Buzul Çökelleri ve Buzul Karsti, Proceedings of I. Sirri Erinç Sempozyumu, Bildiri Özleri Kitabi, p. 235-240.

Çiner, A., Zreda, M., Sarikaya, M.A., Bayari, S. and Özverim, T., 2003, Kozmojenik (36Cl) yas tayini yönteminin Türkiye Kuvaterner buzul çökellerine uygulanmasi ve ön veriler, Proceedings of IV Türkiye Kuvaterner Çalistayi, Bildiri Özleri Kitabi, p. 48-54.

Çiner, A., Zreda, M., Sarikaya, M.A., Bayari, S., Özverim, T. and Sahbudak, S., 2003, Kozmojenik 36Cl yas tayin yönteminin Türkiye Kuvaterner buzul çökellerine uygulanmasi projesi, Proceedings of I. Sirri Erinç Sempozyumu, Bildiri Özleri Kitabi, p. 38-46.

Sarikaya, M.A., Sen, E., Çiner, A., Zreda, M. and Aydar, E., 2003, Erciyes Volkani Geç Kuvaterner buzullasmasi ve volkanizmasi, Proceedings of Türkiye Kuvaterner Çalistayi, Bildiri Özleri Kitabi, p. 55-61.

Sarikaya, M.A., Zreda, M. and Çiner, A., 2003, Erciyes volkani'nin Kuvaterner buzul evreleri, Proceedings of I. Sirri Erinç Sempozyumu, Bildiri Özleri Kitabi, p. 129-134.


Bach, A., Elliott-Fisk, D.L., Liu, T., Dorn, R.I., Phillips, F.M., and Zreda, M.G., 1991, Pleistocene glacial moraine complexes at Pine and Bishop Creeks, East-Central Sierra Nevada, CA, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Volume 23 (5).

Bayari, S., M. Zreda, A. Çiner, L. Nazik, K. Törk, N. Özyurt, A. Klimchouk and A.M. Sarikaya, 2003, The extent of Pleistocene ice cap, glacial deposits and glaciokarst in the Aladaglar massif: central Taurids range, southern Turkey, XVI INQUA Congress, Reno, Nevada, 23-30 July 2003, Abstracts with Programs, Abstract 40-9, p. 144. (abstract, pdf, 14 kB)

Brune, J.N., J.W. Bell, R. Anooshepoor, T. Liu and M. Zreda, 1995, Precarious rocks and earthquake hazard in Southern California, American Geophysical Union 1995 Fall Meeting: Eos Supplement, vol. 76, no. 46, F360.

Çiner, Attila, Marek Zreda, Serdar Bayari and Akif M. Sarikaya, 2003, Late Quaternary glaciers and glacial deposits of Turkey, XVI INQUA Congress, Reno, Nevada, 23-30 July 2003, Abstracts with Programs, Abstract 4-19, p. 72. (abstract, pdf, 13 kB)

Çiner, A., M. Zreda, M.A. Sarikaya and S. Bayari, 2004, La répartition des glaciations Quaternaires en Turquie. RST, Joint Earth Sciences Meeting, Société Géologique de France-Geologische Vereinigung, Strasbourg-France (20-25 Septembre), RSTGV-A-00102. (abstract, pdf, 13 kB)

Dep, L., D. Elmore, P. Sharma, M.E. Lipschutz, S. Vogt, M. Bourgeois, F.M. Phillips and M. Zreda, 1994, Surface exposure ages of terrestrial rocks: an intercomparison of apparent ages determined from in-situ-produced cosmogenic 36Cl, 10Be and 26Al, American Geophysical Union 1994 Spring Meeting: Eos Supplement, vol. 75, no. 16, p. 371.

Davis, S.N., C.L. DeWayne, M. Zreda and S. Moysey, 1999, Chlorine-36, bromide, and the origin of spring water, Geological Society of American Abstracts with Programs 31 (7) A330.

Dep, L., D. Elmore, M. Lipschutz, S. Vogt, F. M. Phillips and M. G. Zreda, 1994, Experimental methods for rock coring and determining in-situ produced cosmogenic 36Cl in quartz, Proceedings of the Sixth International Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Conference, Canberra, September 1993.

Dep, L., D. Elmore, P. Sharma, M.E. Lipschutz, S. Vogt, M. Bourgeois, F.M. Phillips and M. Zreda, 1994, Surface exposure ages of terrestrial rocks: an intercomparison of apparent ages determined from in-situ-produced cosmogenic 36Cl, 10Be and 26Al, American Geophysical Union 1994 Spring Meeting: Eos Supplement, vol. 75, no. 16, p. 371.

Desilets, D. and M. Zreda, 2000, Scaling production rates of terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides for altitude and geomagnetic effects, Geological Society of American Abstracts with Programs 32 (7). (abstract, pdf, 4 kB)

Desilets, D., M. Zreda and V. Radhakrishnan, 2003, Can cosmic-ray nucleon measurements be used to scale production rates of cosmogenic nuclides?, XVI INQUA Congress, Reno, Nevada, 23-30 July 2003, Abstracts with Programs, Abstract 56-8, p. 174. (abstract, pdf, 12 kB)

Desilets, D., M. Zreda and T. Ferre, 2008, Observing soil moisture and snow water equivalent at the sub-basin scale with cosmic-ray neutrons, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H43K-01. (Abstract)

Dorn, R.I., F.M. Phillips, M.G. Zreda, E.W. Wolfe, A.J.T. Jull, D.J. Donahue, P.W. Kubik and P. Sharma, 1991, Glacial chronology of Mauna Kea as constrained by surface-exposure dating, Geological Society of American Abstracts with Programs 23 (5) A407.

Elmore, D., L. Dep, M. Lipschutz, S. Vogt, F. M. Phillips and M. Zreda, 1992, Fundamentals of surface exposuredating, American Chemical Society - Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Symposium, 7-9 April 1992, San Francisco.

Moysey, 1999 - el dia del agua

Moysey, S., S.N. Davis and M. Zreda, A preliminary report on the distribution and variability of chlorine-36 in groundwater across the United States, American Geophysical Union 1999 Spring Meeting.

Moysey, S., Zreda, M., and Goeke, J., 2000, Dating of Sand Dunes Using Cosmogenic Chlorine-36: An Example From the Nebraska Sand Hills, USA (abstract, pdf, 9 kB)

O'Cofaigh, C., J. England and M. Zreda, 1998, Configuration and dynamics of Late Wisconsinan glaciation in southern Eureka Sound, high Arctic Canada, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Toronto 1998.

Phillips, F.M., S.S. Smith, M.G. Zreda, P.W. Kubik and D. Elmore, 1988, Cosmogenic 36Cl buildup dating of the eastern Sierra Nevada glacial sequence: preliminary results, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 20, no. 7, p. A53.

Phillips, F.M., Zreda, M.G., and Elmore, D., 1992, Late Quaternary glacial history of the Sierra Nevada from cosmogenic 36Cl dating of moraines at Bishop Creek, California, American Geophysical Union 1992 Spring Meeting, Eos Supplement, vol. 73, no. 14, p. 186.

Phillips, F.M., M. G. Zreda, D. Elmore, P. W. Kubik, P. Sharma and H.E. Gove, 1990, Cosmogenic 36Cl dating of landforms, Fifth International Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Conference, Paris, April 1990.

Phillips, F. M., M. G. Zreda and D. Elmore, 1992, Late Quaternary Glacial history of the Sierra Nevada from cosmogenic 36Cl dating of moraines at Bishop Creek, California, American Geophysical Union 1992 Spring Meeting: Program & Abstracts, EOS 73 (14) Supplement.

Phillips, F.M., M.G. Zreda, T.-L. Ku, S. Luo, Q. Huang, D. Elmore and P.W. Kubik, 1992, Isotopic clues to water balances and glacial-period dust export from central Asia, American Geophysical Union 1992 Fall Meeting: Eos Supplement, vol. 73, no. 43, p. 170.

Phillips, F.M., M. G. Zreda and D. Elmore, 1993, A recalibration of cosmogenic chlorine-36 production rates using lava-flow samples from the western Snake River Plain volcanic field, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Fall 1993.

Phillips, F.M., M.G. Zreda, D. Elmore and P. Sharma, 1993, Evidence for a connection between dynamicbehavior of the Laurentide ice sheet and mountain glaciation in Western North America, American Geophysical Union 1993 Fall Meeting: Eos Supplement, vol. 74, no. 43, p. 360.

Phillips, F.M., J.C. Gosse, B. Liu, J.T. Fabryka-Martin, M.G. Zreda, J. Klein, E.B. Evenson and P. Sharma, 1995, High-resolution estimation of surface exposure histories using 36Cl together with a spallogenic nuclide, American Geophysical Union 1995 Fall Meeting: Eos Supplement, vol. 76, no. 46, p. F684.

Pigati, Jeffrey S., Marek Zreda, Peter F. Almasi, Warren Sharp, David Elmore and Edward W. Wolfe, 2003, No more ice in paradise: ages of Pleistocene glaciations on Mauna Kea, Hawai'i, XVI INQUA Congress, Reno, Nevada, 23-30 July 2003, Abstracts with Programs, Abstract 64-7, p. 189. (abstract, pdf, 14 kB)

Sarikaya, A.M., A. Çiner, and M. Zreda, 2003, Late Quaternary glaciation of the Erciyes volcano, central Turkey, XVI INQUA Congress, Reno, Nevada, 23-30 July 2003, Abstracts with Programs, Abstract 40-4, p. 144. (abstract, pdf, 13 kB)

Sarikaya, M., M. Zreda and A. Ciner, 2008, Late Quaternary paleoclimates of Turkey from glacial records and their link to the climate change of the past century, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP13B-1440. Abstract

Shanahan, 1999 - Geodaze

Shanahan, T.M. and M. Zreda, 1999, A record of climate change in the tropics from past advances of mountain glaciers, AGU Meeting, San Francisco, December 1999. (abstract, pdf, 4 kB)
(AGU abstract)

Shanahan, T. and Zreda, M., 2000, New constraints on the ages of old moraines: the impact of erosion on surface exposure age distributions, AGU Meeting, San Francisco, December 2000. (abstract, pdf, 6 kB)

Shomer, J.S. and M.G. Zreda, 1998, Long-term erosion rates from in-situ accumulation of cosmogenic nuclides in soil matrix of glacial moraines, eastern Sierra Nevada, California, Geodaze Conference, Tucson, March 1998. (abstract, html, 3 kB)

Swanson, T.W., P. Sharma, F. M. Phillips and M.G. Zreda, 1992, Determination of chlorine- 36 production rates from deglaciation of Whidbey Islands, WA, American Chemical Society Accelerator Mass spectrometry Symposium, 7-9 April 1992, San Francisco.

Swanson, T.W., Caffee, M., Finkel, R., Harris, L., Seven, G., Zreda, M.G., and Phillips, F.M., 1993, Establishment of new production parameters for chlorine-36 dating based on the deglaciation history of Whidbey Island, Washington, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, p. A-461.

Yu, C., A.W. Warrick, M.H. Conklin, M. Zreda and M.H. Young, 1996, Simplified calibration of time domain reflectometry for soil moisture measurement, American Geophysical Union 1996 Fall Meeting: Eos Supplement, vol. 77, no. 46, p. F284.

Zreda, M.G., F.M. Phillips, D. Elmore, P.W. Kubik and P. Sharma, 1990, Rapid response of mountain glaciers to climate changes as indicated by 36Cl ages of the Sierra Nevada moraines, AMQUA/CANQUA Joint Meeting, Waterloo, June 1990.

Zreda, M.G., F.M. Phillips, P.W. Kubik and P. Sharma, 1991, Cosmogenic chlorine-36 dates for a lava flow and volcanic bombs at Lathrop Wells, Nevada, American Geophysical Union 1991 Fall Meeting: Eos Supplement, vol. 72, no. 44, p. 577.

Zreda, M.G., F.M. Phillips and D. Elmore, 1992, Cosmogenic 36 Cl accumulation in boulders on unstable geomorphic surfaces, American Geophysical Union 1992 Spring Meeting: Eos Supplement, vol. 73, no. 14, p. 129.

Zreda, M.G., F. M. Phillips and D. Elmore, 1993, Insights from 36Cl buildup dating into the development of late Pleistocene glacial landforms in mountains of the western US, American Geophysical Union 1993 Fall Meeting: Eos Supplement, vol. 74, no. 43, p. 292.

Zreda, M., Phillips, F., and Elmore, D., 1994, Retreat time of the Greenland Ice Sheet from Nares Strait based on cosmogenic chlorine-36 buildup dating, American Geophysical Union 1994 Fall Meeting: Eos Supplement, vol. 75, no. 44, p. 221.

Zreda, M., Noller, J.S., and Lettis, W.R., 1995, Dating of Late Quaternary Bedrock Fault Scarp at Hebgen Lake, Montana Using Cosmogenic Chlorine-36, American Geophysical Union 1995 Fall Meeting: Eos Supplement, vol. 76, no. 46, p. F685.

Zreda, M.G. and D. Elmore, 1995, Dating paleoseismic events at Crater Flat, Nevada by cosmogenic 36Cl accumulation in ash deposited in ground fractures, American Chemical Society - Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Symposium, April 1995, Anaheim.

Zreda, M., F. Phillips and D. Elmore, 1995, The timing of retreat of the Greenland Ice Sheet from Nares Strait based on chlorine-36 buildup dating, American Geophysical Union 1995 Fall Meeting: Eos Supplement, vol. 76, no. 46, p. 717.

Zreda, M., J.S. Noller and W.R. Lettis, 1996, Cosmogenic dating of fault faces - a new tool for paleoseismology, Goldschmidt Conference, Heidelberg, April 1996.

Zreda, M. and S. Drinkard, 1998, Glacio-isostatic rebound rates from in-situ cosmogenic chlorine-36 dating of raised marine beaches in Makinson Inlet, eastern Ellesmere Island, Geological Association of Canada Meeting, Abstract Volume 23, A-205. (abstract 143 kB)

Zreda, M. and J. Noller, 1999, Timing of late Quaternary earthquakes on the Hebgen Lake fault by cosmogenic chlorine-36 dating of bedrock fault scarp, Geological Society of America, 51st Annual Meeting, Rocky Mountain Section, Pocatello, Idaho, April 8-10, 1999. (abstract 8 kB)
(presentation, 708 kB)

Zreda, M. and S. Drinkard, 1999, Rates of glacio-isostatic emergence revealed by cosmogenic chlorine-36 dating of raised marine beaches, Annual Packard Fellows Meeting, Monterey, September 8-11, 1999.

Zreda, M. and T. Shanahan, 1999, Relative extents of the penultimate and the last glacial maxima in the tropics, AGU Meeting, San Francisco, December 1999. (abstract, 5 kB)

Zreda, M., C. Clapperton, C., Argollo, J., and Shanahan, T., 2001, Evidence for Contemporary Lakes and Glaciers in the Southern Altiplano During Late Glacial Time (Extended abstract): Fifth Iberian Quaternary Meeting, Lisboa, Portugal, July 23rd-27th, 2001. (abstract, 133 kB)

Zreda, M. and Lifton, N., 2000, Revealing complex exposure histories of Arctic landforms using in-situ 14C and 36Cl, AGU Meeting, San Francisco, December 2000. (abstract, 9 kB)

Zreda, M., 2003, Advances in cosmogenic dating of paleoseismic events, XVI INQUA Congress, Reno, Nevada, 23-30 July 2003, Abstracts with Programs, Abstract 50-9, p. 161. (abstract, 12 kB).

Zreda, M., D. Desilets, Y. Li, E. Bradley and K.M. Anderson, 2005, iCRONUS meets CRONUS-Earth: Improved calculations for cosmogenic dating methods - From neutron intensity to previously ignored correction factors, Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2005, p. A168. (abstract, 277 kB).

M. Zreda, J. Shuttleworth, X. Zeng and C. Zweck: COSMOS: COsmic-ray Soil Moisture Observing System. Abstract
(Presentation, 1284 kB)

Zreda, M., D. Desilets and X. Zeng, 2008, Field measurement of average soil moisture content using cosmic-ray neutrons: a ground truthing tool for the SMAP mission, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H23F-1038. Abstract

Zweck, C., M. Zreda, K.M. Anderson and E. Bradley, 2006, iCronus : A computational tool for cosmogenic nuclide dating, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T11A-0425. (abstract, 93 kB).

Zweck, C. and M. Zreda, 2008, The theoretical basis for ACE, an age calculation engine for cosmogenic nuclides, Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2008, p. A1108. (abstract, 74 kB).

Zweck, C., M. Zreda, J. Shuttleworth and X. Zeng, 2008, COSMOS: COsmic-ray Soil Moisture Observing System planned for the United States, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H41D-0909. Abstract

Conference presentations

Zreda, M. and J. Noller, 1998, Cosmogenic dating of prehistoric earthquakes: an important advance in paleoseismology, Annual Packard Fellows Meeting, Santa Fe, September 1-6, 1998.

Zreda, M. and S. Drinkard, 1999, Rates of glacio-isostatic emergence revealed by cosmogenic chlorine-36 dating of raised marine beaches, Annual Packard Fellows Meeting, Monterey, September 8-11, 1999.

Zreda, M., 2000, Paleoclimate: are terrestrial and marine records concordant?, Annual Packard Fellows Meeting, Monterey, September 6-9, 2000.

M. Zreda, M.A. Sarikaya and S. Shomer: Erosion rates of moraine crests from in-situ and atmospheric cosmogenic nuclide accumulation in boulders and matrix. Abstract
(Poster, 7356 kB)

M. Zreda: Glacial erosion: No stones unturned? Abstract
(Poster, 6814 kB)

M. Zreda, A. Ciner, S. Bayari and M.A. Sarikaya: Remarkably extensive early Holocene glaciation in Turkey. Abstract
(Poster, 10464 kB)

M. Zreda, D. Desilets, Y. Li, E. Bradley and K.M. Anderson: iCRONUS meets CRONUS-Earth: Improved calculations for cosmogenic dating methods: from neutron intensity to previously ignored correction factors. Abstract
(Poster, 100 kB)

D. Desilets and M. Zreda: Improving the accuracy and precision of scaling factors for in-situ cosmogenic geochronometers: new measurements of cosmic-ray neutrons in India and Hawaii. Abstract

Invited lectures

Zreda, M.G., 1994, Toward understanding the cosmogenic 36Cl dating method, University of Washington Quaternary Research Center Meeting, Seattle, May 1994. INVITED.

Zreda, M., 1999, Datowanie form powierzchni ziemi za pomoca izotopow kosmogenicznych (Dating of landforms using cosmogenic isotopes), University of Warsaw, Department of Geology, Warsaw, July 1999. INVITED SPECIAL LECTURE TO THE FACULTY.

Zreda, M., 2004, Geologia "promienna": zastosowanie izotopow kosmogenicznych w naukach o ziemi ["Glowing" geology: applications of cosmogenic isotopes in earth sciences], University of Warsaw, Departament of Geology, Warsaw, March 2004. INVITED LECTURES.

Unpublished materials

Phillips, F.M., Zreda, M.G., Elmore, D., Dorn, R.I., Liu, T., and Clark, J., 1994, Glacial geology of lower Bishop Creek, eastern Sierra Nevada: Cosmogenic 36Cl and rock varnish chronology, Unpublished manuscript.

Zreda, M.G., 1994, Development and Calibration of the Cosmogenic 36Cl Surface Exposure Dating Method and Its Application to the Chronology of Late Quaternary Glaciations [Ph.D. dissertation thesis], Socorro, New Mexico Tech.

Zreda, M.G., F.M., P., and Smith, S.S., 1991, Cosmogenic 36Cl dating of geomorphic surfaces, New Mexico Tech.